Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lets get it started.

Ok, so I live in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn NY, and NO the bodega(s) in my hood don't sell greens. The closest thing to greens in any of the bodegas around me are the wilted lettuce, if any that you can get on a hero, and green apple Blowpops. All this to say this blog is a learning project. While you may or may not live in bed stuy, folks in urban neighborhoods around the country struggle with many of the same issues I hope to speak to in this blog as well have people I have met and learned from contribute to. The bottom line is I like to eat food, some of it I want to grow in my apartment(yes I said my perfectly small Brooklyn apartment), and when I buy food I want to buy fruit and veggies that dont have mold, as well as various other food items whose expiration date are not questionable. I want to do all this without having to trek to other neighborhoods or boroughs(NYC). So this blog is a little bit commentary, a little more recipes, a sprinkle of Food Justice and Activism, topped with lots of photos, and 100 percent community. Enjoy, and please be careful this plate has a little spice to it.


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