Thursday, July 8, 2010

Baked Kale Chips....Yah I said it......!

Ok so what do you do when you join a CSA and recieve 8 different...ok maybe thats exagerating.....3 different types of Kale? You make chips, yes I said it chips as in CHIPS in a bowl finger food yum yum snack like. Not sold yet give it a try I was a skeptic as well, number one because I have a hard enough time eating greens nevermind getting my son to eat greens, and number two all greens do not cook the same way, so its a lot to think about. Ok so lets get to it take the recipe below, makes some Kale Chips and enjoy.


* 1 bunch kale
* 1 tablespoon olive oil
* Aluminum Foil

Pre heat your oven to 350Wash and thoroughly pat dry you Kale. (I made the chips from Red Russian Kale, and Dinosaur Kale, I liked both but enjoyed the dinosaur kale more) Toss the Kale in a bowl and drizzle about 2-5 table spoons of olive oil on the kale, add based on the amount of kale you have. You want a light coating not Kale that is clearly drench in oil. Tear a piece of aluminum foil large enough to spread the Kale chip on so they are not so bunch up. They can be on top of each other a little bit but not too much so they all cook somewhat evenly. Place in the oven for 15-20min, check occasionally to make sure the kale is not burning or over cooking. The kale should be dry and crunchy like.
Put in a bowl and enjoy!
*please not everyone's oven works differently so it may take less time,a should probably not take much more than the 15-20 time period. If you feel like its taking longer try spreading the leaves a little more.
*Also some folks add a little sea salt, I find Kale to be slightly salty already so I dont add it but feel free, I have also seen folks add cayenne pepper and other seasonings, as well as tahini so experiment with some of your favorites seasonings and give those Kale chips a Kick

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